Do you know what Mesotherapy means?

Mesotherapy is a French treatment and it’s a non surgical cosmetic solution. A typical mesotherapy cocktail might generally contain over 50 active ingredients to nourish, repair and rejuvenate skin. It’s aimed at diminishing problem areas in the body such as excess weight, body contouring and cellulite, and for various skin conditions, including acne scars, dry skin, congestion, fine lines, redness, pigmentation, and more, It is suitable for all skin tones and types. This treatment can also be used to address pigmentation problems, treat acne scarring and be combined to enhance the effects of other aesthetic treatments such as Botox or fillers.

How does it work?

Mesotherapy uses a series of tiny injections to carefully and effectively apply nourishing skincare ingredients to the skin. The procedure prompts the skin to kickstart its own regeneration procedures, bringing collagen to the area. Treatment time takes approximately 30 minutes and is not painful. With minimal downtime – a little bruising and swelling may occur but it will be short lived and should settle within 24 hours – skin will become more radiant, hydrated, nourished, and firmer with an improved texture. A course of 6-8 sessions are advised every two weeks with maintenance treatments 1-2 times a year.

Mesotherapy as a procedure hasn’t been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but many of the ingredients used in the treatment do have FDA approval for treating other conditions. As long as the ingredients have FDA approval, they may be used for mesotherapy. This is considered to be an off-label use of the approved ingredients.