Dermal fillers and wrinkle relaxers are changing the way people show signs of aging. Juvederm is an ideal treatment for fine lines and wrinkles around the nose, mouth, and forehead. It can also restore natural contours of the face, plump up the lips, and even improve acne scars. One of the many benefits of Juvederm is the almost immediate rejuvenating results. It is a low-risk, safe anti-aging solution.

Fewer wrinkles, smooth skin, plump lips, and fuller cheeks are all common requests from individuals looking for ways to look younger without invasive surgery. Temporary dermal fillers, like Juvederm, are changing the way men and women tackle their aging skin.

The fillers in the Juvederm collection are all made up of a gel-like substance that contains hyaluronic acid as the main ingredient. However, each is formulated in a unique way with its own specific strengths and benefits and is designed to be used in a specific part of the face. The fillers vary in terms of how “light” or “heavy” they are, in terms of volume restoration.

Juvederm Ultra XC ( Ultra 2) Ultra XC ( Ultra 2) is approved for reducing moderate to severe wrinkles around the nose and mouth, such as smile lines and parenthesis lines. It can also be used for volumizing thin lips. It is silkier and more lightweight compared to Ultra Plus XC (Ultra 3), which makes it better for more superficial wrinkles and for lip enhancement. The results can be delicate and subtle.

Juvederm Ultra Plus XC (Ultra 3) Ultra Plus XC (Ultra 3) is thicker and more stable than Ultra because of its larger particle size, which can sometimes create a more dramatic look. It is often the longer lasting of the two fillers. Ultra Plus XC (Ultra 3) is normally injected into a deeper layer of the skin compared to Ultra and is better for addressing more severe volume loss.

Although dermal filler results are temporary, Juvederm is an excellent nonsurgical choice for facial contouring. On average, patients can enjoy their new look for about 6 – 12 months, and in some cases even longer. It gives patients a natural way to get almost immediate results. However, patients must remember these provisional results won't last forever.